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Reading Soul’s Journey is feeling the blood rushing in your veins, smelling the fragrance of the consciousness, tasting the reality of your emotions, listening to the melody of the universe, embracing vulnerability.


Soul’s Journey is a journey on its own. The magic of Sam Yau is shaped by his profound humanity, his moving story, from the baby he was to the father he is, with his many facets of man’s essence…


If Expression was to be but a recipe, Soul’s Journey is an extraordinary composition: a delicate dance between insightful words and wonderful illustrations. This collection is an invitation to let poetry infuse you with its mysterious art.


Sophie Roumeas

Mindful Therapies (Meditation, Hypnosis, Systemic Constellation)

Training Auravision™

Few poems have moved me as deeply as these. The author’s voice seems to capture the perfect union of spirit, nature, the human condition, and the infinite search for truth and beauty that transcends religion or philosophy. The transformative beauty of these words appeals to me more as a daily meditation—something to ground me in consciousness and inspire me to practice their wisdom in my own life. Sam Yau is truly a sage for our times and a poet whose meaning and purpose can shed light on the many challenges we face within and without.


Raoul Goff

Publisher & CEO, Mandala Publishing

Sam Yau in his infinite beautiful creative and truthful vision of soul eternal life in his new book Soul’s Journey has moved my saddened heart and validates with his poetry and Olena Zavakevych’s artwork what lives within me: an uncompromising spirit of unconditional love for nature man and spirit. This week I sadly buried my younger sister and God in his infinite wisdom sent me this powerful book of love in poetic form to brighten my day and remember my sister lives beyond this physical world.  She was a poet and artist also. Sam wrote, “May I cross the bridge between realms. I am a soul. I was never born. I will never die. Love will never end. May I live with awareness of veiled truths while shrouded in human form.” This book shares a message of awareness of the depth of our being that all readers may benefit from.


Sheryl Glick

Host of Internet Radio Show “Healing from Within”

Energy Soul Healer/Medium

The first time I heard Sam Yau’s poetry I wanted to cry.  It pierces the layers of illusion, but with a gentleness that soothes rather than condemns.  ‘You are a soul incarnated in the human school to learn to love,’ he spoke.  How many times had I spoken those very words looking into the questioning eyes of my hospice patients of all faiths, cultures and persuasions…


Sam’s poetry is universal, and yet it has distinct wisdom echoes of the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, the Dao De Ching and the I Ching, the New Testament and the Dhammapada, quantum physics and cosmology.  A renaissance man who calls out from the depths of brokenness and lived experience, reaching a hand to each of us as a brother or sister on the path home.


Sam guides us to see the beautiful strengths and uniqueness of each living being woven within the certitude of an unbreakable oneness with the All That Is.  His is a still small voice from a man of great power and humility.  It is not hard to hear if we listen carefully—to his poetry, and to the inner and outer worlds that we inhabit.  His message gently reminds us of the optimistic and great journey here, now, and unfolding before us.  


Phillip Jones, Psychotherapist

Author of Transcendence: Finding Peace at the End of Life

The Soul's Journey is a wonderful breath of fresh air at a pivotal time in our world history. Sam Yau's book of poetry shines the light of hope during this time of extreme duress, providing soothing solace to those who are open to elevated conscious awareness. His gently inspiring words flow easily into our hearts, as they touch our minds and spirits with the grace of peace. This lovely book is also beautiful in its aesthetic design with softly inspiring imagery throughout by the gifted artist, Olena Zavakevych. I anticipate having a copy of this tenderly compelling book on my coffee table for daily inspiration and ongoing encouragement. Thank you, Sam, for sharing this heartfelt treasure. 


Lois Hermann, Author, Spiritual Mentor, Catalyst for Positive Change

Award-Winning Author of #1 Best Seller Chronicles of Hope, and Spirits of Amoskeag /

I have always known Sam Yau as a traveling soul with a deep-felt higher consciousness and a seeker of Truth. Sam’s poetry is a mystical manifestation of his own soul journey, and therefore my own and all souls at some collective level. He has an amazing ability to transcribe an answer to our question of, “Why am I Here? Am I a cosmic accident, or am I here for some purpose?” Sam has reinforced the absolute answer that we are here for a soul-purpose. My oneness with Sam, others, and the universe is to live this life as a spiritual being in a human existence – to experience pleasure and pain, forgiveness and love with all of our felt-emotions injected into the growth of our soul. This poetic expression accelerates this process, wrapped in exquisite self-discovery. What a beautiful round-trip expressed so eloquently yet simply by Sam – from the inception of our being to a return to our spiritual home with a higher level of consciousness in and for our collective One. Thank you, Sam.


Tom Zender

CEO Mentor and Leadership Developer

Former President & CEO of Unity

Soul’s Journey is the love of a father painted in words for his son, transcending time, space, and this world. I felt utterly captivated by the ebb and flow of the words and connected to the very essence of a being. This book of poetry will take you on a journey to realize what truly matters and why it is important to cherish what matters. Let your soul be moved. Take the walk with Sam Yau and let your spirit feel; feel the pure beauty and pain of love to embrace it wholeheartedly.  


Dr. Kasthuri Henry, PhD 

Founder of Ennobled For Success Institute

#1 International Best-Selling Author

Sam Yau’s beautiful book of poetry deeply explores his life and the human condition.  As you read you feel love, deep grief and the mystic connections from quantum physics made personal. He looks inside himself to find his soul’s journey and lifts you into your own exploration. As a poet I am impressed and inspired. This is an important work of art.


Paul David Walker

Poet, Philosopher, and Advisor to Leaders

CEO & Founder, Genius Stone Partners

This glorious collection of poetry and images will quench the hungry heart of anyone who has lost a loved one or pondered life on the other side. Taking you on a sometimes-painful expedition into consciousness these poems serve as a guide into the peace and unity of love and the eternalness of the soul. Thank you, Sam, for this beautiful healing collection of poems.


Aeriol Ascher, MsD

Founder of the Healing Body Mind and Soul Network

The poetry of Sam Yau comes from a place of ‘other’, a place of the Sacred. Sam touches us at the depths of our humanity and soul, each and every word a message from the Divine. Sam’s poetry is a unique gift to the world that transforms, inspires, and transmutes us all.         

Dr. Lisa L. Rayburn, Esq.

CEO of The Détente Foundation

Sam Yau’s poetry ignited a profound healing activation within my heart. As I read his poems, they activated a new compassion for the pain I still had buried within it. I understood what unconditional love meant. There should never be any conditions to love no matter the pain and hurt we carry. Through our heart we can see and love without judgement, without exceptions and without limits. With gratitude and love, thank you, Sam, for opening your heart and putting your love into these pages.


Renee Vidal

Akashic Records Quantum Healer

In Soul's Journey, Sam Yau takes you on an inner journey of traumatic loss and grief and gives you a peek into his process of healing and awakening. With boldness, courage, and sincerity, he paints the picture of the human condition with compassion and understanding while unflappably trusting the eternal—and reminding you of the power of love. 


Rúna Bouius

Founder, True Power Institute

The Soul’s Journey is the most powerful, enlightening, and healing book of poetry I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes and my soul upon. His poems are not just words.  They feel as pure divine love that invokes this remembrance from within you. No matter if you’re going through grief, trauma, feeling lost in life or walking a spiritual path; the wisdom and love within these pages connect you to pure inspiration to keep you moving forward. Everyone should read this book, you will laugh, cry, and remember your heart deeply.


Kara Goss

Energy and Spiritual Healer

Inspiring, comforting, and penetratingly honest - these are the words that come to me after reading Sam Yau’s stunningly beautiful book of poetry.  It is a living testament to the healing power of loving kindness, and a beckoning to all lightworkers to “wake humanity to its destiny of heaven on earth.”  I highly recommend his book!


Bonnie Joy Walker

Fellow Spiritual Traveler and Writer from the Heart

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