By Sam Yau
On this blueish planet of ours,
a tiny twinkle among billions
of brilliant swirling galaxies,
lies a grand cosmic journey,
an evolution of consciousness,
an ascension from matter to spirit.
Humanity has veered off-course
from Prehistory,
through the Dark Ages,
to the Renaissance
to the Industrial/Scientific/Information Age,
and is still searching for
the Promised Land.
We are obsessed with
gratifying the senses and intellect
instead of
awaking to our true identity,
our soul,
the essence of which,
is love.
This divine spark
buried deep inside each of us,
its radiance untarnished,
still awaits to be lived.
People crowd into
the temple of technology,
bow to
the golden calf of data,
the spoils of artificial intelligence,
all under the auspices of
scientific materialism.
Idealizing comfort,
not peace or joy.
True power lies in the heart,
compassion for all sentient beings,
the awakening to divinity within
and its union with humanity.
Love stitches the fabric of gravity
in the curvature of spacetime
the universe cradles.
The strongest force
is hidden in
the smallest nucleus,
the softest heart,
the plainest love.
We, the lightworkers
blessed and humbled by
a taste of the union with the Divine,
must rev up earth’s vibrations,
wake humanity to its destiny of
heaven on earth.
Photo by Sam Yau