By Sam Yau
Do not let anyone tell you to live someone else’s life.
You have a gift to co-create your special life with the divine.
Let the spark in you shine, live and dance like a unique spirit.
Shape your inner world with qualities that bring you delight.
Live inside out, the outside world will coalesce into your design.
Do not let anyone tell you to live someone else’s life.
Listen to your inner voice from your soul and let it guide you, trust it.
Living the authentic you will bring you freedom and joy, claim it.
Let the spark in you shine, live and dance like a unique spirit.
You are a soul incarnated in the human school to learn to love,
You are frozen light that soon will take the soaring flight.
Do not let anyone tell you to live someone else’s life.
Already connected to The Source, turn it on and drink it in.
Angels are always there to help if you let your intuition align.
Let the spark in you shine, live and dance like a unique spirit.
You have been knocking at the door from the inside all your life.
Turn around, you are perfect and totally lovable, live it.
Do not let anyone tell you to live someone else’s life.
Let the spark in you shine, live and dance like a unique spirit.