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Full Union in Love

Sam Yau

My love, hear my whisper

Like hummingbirds

we flutter our wings

a thousand times

hover in mid-air

tasting our nectar

We know what sweetness is

My love, hear my whisper

Like moths

fearless of the flame

we open all our senses

surrender our bodies

sating our sacred desire

We know what pleasure is

My love, hear my whisper

Like butterflies

we redissolve ourselves

merging in one cocoon

morphing in bliss

into our new destiny

We know what happiness is

My love, hear my whisper

Like eagles

we soar into the clouds

you and I become one

hurling ourselves into

the center of our divinity

We know what ecstasy is

My love, hear my whisper

You lift me up to heights

far beyond where I could

ever dare to imagine

This numinous intimacy of full union

My love, hear my whisper

I am in deep gratitude


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