By Sophie Rouméas

Photography by Deep Green
Don’t be upset with me, my love.
With you, I grow.
I’m no longer at the core of my strength,
nor am I dressed in certitude.
With you, I express.
I explore the roots of our future
while staying present in our present.
With you, I dare.
I wish to bring you my colors,
my own light and completeness.
With you, I trust.
As a newcomer in the forest
of your life,
I walk the path with an open heart.
With you, I learn.
I am conscious of your people
and your family of trees.
It is an honor to land on your land.
With you, I care.
It’s no small thing to leave a nest,
a known network of roots,
and dare to fly high and far away.
With you, I choose.
But my love, not everyday
do I reveal brightest colors,
nor do I feel grounded while suspended
nor do I feel safe while in between.
In your forest, there is a balance.
Homeostasis prefers the known
to the unknown; to a new species
daring to plant a new seed
in the soil of the sacred ground.
Darling, can I express my doubts
and not have them dissipate in the wind,
only to return as a panoply of clouds?
But if the rain helps the seed to root,
then it will bring its fruits to the birds
and the birds will sing
the taste of the New.
Still, the rain must be light
to respect the alchemy
of the numinous space
as a nurturing element.
With you, I love.