By Sam Yau
Thoughts fly into my mind’s chamber
like uninvited birds.
Without attention from me,
they can no longer latch
onto other thoughts.
New arrivals become spare.
One by one, they depart.
Without thoughts,
memories can’t linger,
tomorrow can’t emerge.
Without a flutter of past or future,
my feelings subside.
Lying still, I feel
each pulsation in my wrist,
the throbbing at my toes’ tips.
I hear the thundering rumbling
and growling in my guts,
the whirling and gushing
of my arteries’ blood.
All sensations fall away
into quietude.
With the last trace of breath gone,
My body vanishes.
Floating in immense emptiness,
submerging in cosmic silence,
without any sense of self,
losing all my boundaries,
on the edge of the horizon,
I disappear into a
vast awareness.
Coming back,
the quiet echoes
through my empty body.
I have traversed the void,
the fullest emptiness
I have ever glimpsed,
shimmering with infinite
creative potentials.
My heart explodes.
No longer am I a tiny speck,
the universe is in me.