By Sam Yau
You are a mansion with many rooms.
Some with doors that open,
some that are locked forever.
Some barricaded by blocked memories
you don’t even know exist.
The knocking
at the door of your
conscious awareness
never stops.
In the furthest recesses
lives a three-year-old in perpetual rage,
ready to avenge
the unimaginable abuse
she has suffered.
Down the hall is the young girl
who plays mother,
tries to soothe,
hold back the
violent tantrums.
There is the fairy princess
living in her tower,
completely shielded.
The tough adolescent boy
hangs out in the garage,
avoiding further abuse
by becoming the abuser internalized,
the bully turned inward,
policing the gang inside.
The young woman
who meditates to remain calm
amid chaos and pain.
The intellectual
who talks philosophy
and lives in his head,
making sure no one pops up
at the wrong time,
in the wrong place.
Each bore witness to a wounding.
Each with their own
unique divine spark.
They appear and vanish,
you attempt to calm them,
to numb your pain
with vodka,
you are in chaos
and exhaustion.
The journey
of healing
is arduous.
Each personality
is here for you
to love,
to transform, and
to integrate.
You are brave.
You are whole,
shining in the
harmony and brilliance
of unity in your multiplicity.