By Sam Yau

There are many days of happiness
sailing on the calm waters
of our meandering river
We discover our affinities and similarities
we look at each other
see our resemblance
our affection grows
through our familiarity
Hidden in the background is
a lifetime of different experiences
We come to the first rushing rapid
the wide chasm
between our cultures
our life experiences
good and bad times
in our past relationships
How they have crafted
a tinted lens we perceive each other through
Your innocent casual comment
sounds like judgment to me
I am hit by the hammer of your words
I lash out at
lightning speed with
an uncalled-for reaction sprung
from my past relationship trauma
that my self-awareness fails to catch
An outsized response to a non-existent
provocation, perceived incorrectly
The surprise hurt keeps us tongue-tied
Unwilling to disrupt days of good weather
we stay silent, aware
we are storing unresolved resentment
like gathering dark clouds
Thunder and lightning will strike again
My dear, I am sorry
I own it
I am dreaming of smooth waters
on a sunny cloudless day
Can we talk about it?