By Sam Yau

Love binds
causes things
to come together
to interact
to co-create
to evolve
in an endless cycle of love
Love is the subtle vibration
that underlies the ocean of
interpenetrating fields
of energy and matter
Love is more fundamental than
electromagnetic, nuclear
and gravitational forces
Love invokes matter to become
life through alchemy
It is the mother of all feelings
It is the origin of all unions
Of life, love is
the sweetest nectar
the balm that heals
life’s wounds, and
its deepest longing
Its shadow is fear
fear of loss of love
fear of loneliness
The birth of all births
the creator of all creations
the thrust of all creative impulses
It is disguised as thousands of things
amid which we have forgotten our true essence
Love subdivides itself
into many forms of beauty
Beauty is in the eyes of the lover
the one who can no longer love
cannot see beauty in anything
Even truth is like a ray of light
that can be bent
in opposite directions
by the perspectives
of love
or fear
If you are a lover of all things
your stream of joy and bliss
is unceasing
You then live as your true being
You are love itself