By Sam Yau
Do not cry when
I return to spirit.
My heart was broken,
but I am not shattered.
My mind was fractured,
but I am whole.
My body was wrecked,
but my soul is unblemished.
Trauma never tarnished
the light emanating from me.
I was perfect in
my imperfections.
The toils of living—
sagging skin,
wrinkled face,
sloth-like movement—
left no trace on
my etheric body.
Forever young
and ravishing,
I will traverse realms
in a flash.
I will see
in all directions,
be anywhere in an instant
with mere intention.
I will soar into the light,
a garden exploding
with roses and harps,
surrounded by
peaceful mountains,
embraced by
all my loved ones
on the other side.
I see divinity
in all of creation:
love is its essence.
Painting by Olena Zavakevych